The Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs will provide responsive, timely and confidential service with integrity and passion for excellence in order to meet or exceed stakeholders’ expectations.
Caring for the Differently Abled and Next on Deck
Tackling White Collar Crime
Identity Theft
Civil Asset Forfeiture
Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
Tax Evasion
Registrar General – Online for You – Part 2
Registrar General's Department – Working for You – Part 1
Companies and Businesses
Companies and Businesses
Gaming and Betting
Barring Entry and Revoking Membership
Learn more about the Anti-Gang Act, 2018 and the Trespass (Amendment) Act, 2019. AGLA… Bringing the Pieces Together -
Strengthen the Borders
With the introduction of the Miscellaneous Provisions Bill (No. 2), the Shipping Bill, 2019 and the Fisheries Management Bill, 2019 the AGLA has been working to improve the operation of industries while ensuring border management. AGLA… Bringing the Pieces Together -
Stolen Innocence
The AGLA bolstered the protections under the Human Trafficking Act through Amendments to the Sexual Offences Act. AGLA … Bringing the Pieces Together -
In the Joint for a Joint?
Let's talk marijuana. What does the Dangerous Drugs Amendment Act mean for you? AGLA… Bringing the Pieces Together -
Let's Get To It
By abolishing Preliminary Enquiries, we effectively remove 26,000 matters from the Magistrates' Court, allowing for speedier trials and quicker justice. AGLA… Bringing the Pieces Together -
How Do You Plea
In 2019, the AGLA operationalised radically improved legislation aimed at encouraging plea agreements instead of trails. What does this mean for you? AGLA… Bringing The Pieces Together -
Driving the Point Home
The AGLA has removed over 100,000 matters from the court by implementing the Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic (Amendments) (No. 2) Act, 2017. AGLA… Bringing the Pieces Together -
Avenue 2 – Legislative Quickening
Blasting the Log Jam! This Avenue concentrates on removing judicial matters that should not be in court, allowing for judicial time to be spent on more serious matters. AGLA…Bringing the Pieces Together -
Protecting You and Yours Part 2
Between 2015 – 2017 the AGLA has collaborated with other agencies to amend laws geared towards protecting you and yours. Visit our channel to view Part 1(2015-2017). AGLA… Bringing the Pieces Together -
Prosecutors Better Able To Prosecute
Through legislation and resource allocation, the AGLA has expanded and improved the four pillars (Plant & Machinery, People, Processes and Law) surrounding prosecutors. AGLA…Bringing the Pieces Together -
Untying the TTPS
The AGLA has reformed the four pillars (Plant & Machinery, People, Processes and Law) within the Trinidad & Tobago Police Service. AGLA … Bringing the Pieces Together -
Establishing Evidence
When there is no witness or inadequate evidence there can be no conviction. The AGLA has passed laws to help establish evidence and achieve justice. AGLA…Bringing the Pieces Together -
Defence Attorneys
Find out about the AGLA's creation of the Public Defender system by watching this video. AGLA… Bringing the Pieces Together -
Court Specialization
Why is court specialization important? What does this mean for our Judiciary? What does this mean for you? AGLA … Bringing the Pieces Together -
Computerization and the Judiciary
Between 2015 and 2020, the goal of the AGLA was to support and collaborate with the Judiciary to move it out of archaic times and into the present digital world. The Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Ivor Archie, pioneered the digital transformation of the Judiciary. AGLA…Bringing the Pieces Together -
Jobs and the Judiciary
Through the passage of laws, the cabinet approval of positions and supplemental financing, the legislative Judicial Complement was increased between 2015-2020. The combination of judicial and staff enlargements has resulted in the creation of over 1,000 new positions in the Judiciary. AGLA…Bringing the Pieces Together -
100 + Courtrooms
The AGLA has created 100+ new courtrooms between 2015-2020. Without the infrastructure there can be no justice. -
Explore the Radical Reform of the Justice System
Exploring the Radical Reform of the Justice System with the Clarke Family AGLA… Bringing the Pieces Together. -
Major Achievements of the AGLA between 2019-2020
Radical Reform of the Justice System – some of AGLA's Major Achievements from the period 2019-2020. -
A New Approach to the Criminal Justice System
The Ministry of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs remain committed to the holistic development of Trinidad and Tobago through the promotion of the rule of law at all levels of society. The AGLA will carry out the responsibilities as outlined in the Constitution of Trinidad and Tobago and aligned with the Government’s Strategic Plan – Vision 2030 to ensure the developmental pillars of a modern legal and regulatory framework are implemented and made effective. -
Major Achievements of the AGLA 2015-2018
Radical Reform of the Justice System – some of AGLA's Major Achievements from the period 2015-2018.